Lucky Ferals Season 3. Episode 13.
In this episode:
Day 771. A baby possum was crawling around on Hydrox’s chair. Hydrox had breakfast. Simba took a ride in the stroller and spent some time relaxing in it. Stella has been hanging out with Boo. Ditto and the orange cat are friends.
Day 772. Boo got pets. Boo has to have his food prepared in a certain way for him to eat it. Hydrox jumped toward me instead of away from me. Stella likes to sit on a kitchen chair and watch me. Simba unplugged my computer and disconnected my hard drive. Stella and Boo got in a fight over snacks. The cats had some catnip.
Day 773. Hydrox loves relaxing on the patio chair. I made homemade raw cat food with the new grinder plates. Stella watched me the whole time. The food came out nice and smooth with the smallest grinder plate. The cats got all freaked out and warned me that someone was arriving at the house. Hydrox loved the new cat food.
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