Lucky Ferals Season 2 – Boo Year 2. Episode 231A Boo Day 727 In this episode: Stella and Simba love to lay in the round tubs by the windows. The chemical odors...
Category - Boo Year 2 Videos
Boo Year 2 # 232 – Who Ate The Vomit?, The Martin Guitar Museum, No Cats In Kitchen Windows
Boo Days 727, 728, 729, and 730. In this episode: Hydrox’s box is starting to weaken so I gave him a cat tunnel. Splash and Stella were laying on the sofa together and...
Boo Year 2 # 231 – Nature’s Miracle Stain Odor Remover, Cats Waiting For Crunchies
Boo Year 2 Episode 231. Boo Day 726 In this episode: The cats had rabbit patties for breakfast but Stella doesn’t like them. I bought some Nature’s Miracle Advanced...
Boo Year 2 # 230 – Sponge Baths For The Cats, Chicken Necks, Massive Vomit
Boo Year 2. Episode 230. Boo Days 724 and 725. In this episode: Stella and Boo got sponge baths. The cats had Natural Balance Chicken And Liver Pate for dinner with some...
Boo Year 2 # 229 – Two Boos, A Popsicle Treat For The Cats – Cat Family Vlog
Boo Year 2. Episode 229. In this episode: The cats had breakfast. Boo wanted to eat on the bottom step. Hydrox walked out of the bushes to greet me when I went outside...
Lucky Ferals Season 2. Episode 228. In this episode: Boo Days 721 and 722. Simba and Stella had a stand off. The fan was moving the curtains and Simba wanted to attack...
The cats watched bird and squirrel videos. Stella found a spider toy from Halloween. Boo did not want to eat breakfast with the other cats. Let’s go to Petco and buy...
The cats had a sleepy morning then had breakfast. It finally stopped raining and Hydrox came by for food. He was very hungry! He ate so much food! Boo got to taste some...
Let’s check the security camera footage to see what happened while I was away. How did the cats do by themselves all together? Did they eat all of the food out of their...
Boo Year 2 # 204 – What Was That Noise? Cat Stroller Rides, Jobs For The Cats
Boo Day 686 I was woken up by a loud noise and had no idea what it was. Boo took a ride outside in the stroller. Simba also took a ride outside in the stroller. I set up...
Boo Year 2 # 203 – Two Cats On The Table, Hanging Out With Hydrox, Who Is That Cat?
Boo Day 685 Splash and Stella were behaving badly. The cats had play time. Stella was hanging out on Catnip Beach with her catnip plant. Simba was sleeping on the bed. I...
Boo Year 2 # 202 – Petting The Cats, A Tub With A View, Friskies For Hydrox
Boo Days 683 and 684 The cats got pets. I gave them some squeeze up soup as an appetizer. Stella was laying in her tub by the back door. The limping possum ate the food...