Cat Family Vlog – Stella Loves Soap, Lost Fur, A Hurt Bird – S3 E135

Lucky Ferals Cat Family Vlog Season 3 Episode 135

Season 3 Episode 135 of the Lucky Ferals cat family vlog features Stella loving soap, lost fur on Hydrox, a hurt bird and more including:

Day 1087 – Boo and Splash got in a fight. The cats had raw food for dinner. The fireworks have been freaking out the cats.

Day 1088 – Stella loves to lay on my legs when I get out of the shower. She loves my soap. Hydrox had breakfast. He has lost some fur from his side. Boo and Simba were laying on the bed together. Boo and Simba have fluffy bellies. Simba ate some dried minnows.

Day 1089 – I came across a hurt bird while I was taking a bike ride. It was laying in the road and couldn’t fly. I picked it up and moved it into the shade under some bushes so it wouldn’t be run over. Stella enjoyed watching ‘My Cat From Hell’. I think it was because one of the cats on the show looked like her.

Zum Soap

My favorite soap is Frankincense and Myrrh Zum Soap by Indigo Wild. I love it because it is an all natural soap, it is very gentle, non-drying, and made with natural essential oils so the smell is absolutely amazing! Frankincense and Myrrh have been used for centuries for spiritual cleansing. When they’re used in a soap their benefits then extend to physical cleansing also. Stella loves how this soap smells on anything that is washed with it. I also use Frankincense an Myrrh Zum Laundry Soap.

Frankincense and Myrrh Zum Bar Soap on Amazon:
Frankincense and Myrrh Zum Launder Soap on Amazon:

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Lucky Ferals is a cat family vlog starring Stella, her boyfriend Boo, their sons Splash and Simba, and their older relative Hydrox (all formerly feral cats). Guest stars include Ditto, other feral cats from the local tribe, raccoons, possums, skunks, deer, geese, squirrels, birds, groundhogs, bugs, and more. Join them in their daily adventures. Tune in for cat product reviews, cat food reviews, live streams, giveaways, and lots more.

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