Celebrating Boo’s 5th Birthday with a new cat food dispenser!
Boo turned 5 years old this year! I’m not exactly sure when Stella and Boo’s birthdays are, but I estimate them to be some time in the middle of June. I also estimate them both to be the same age and even brother and sister since I only ever saw them together when they were living outside and I never saw one without the other.
This year, they both got special presents for their birthdays and we celebrated for nearly a full week with special meals, treats, and play time. Since Stella is a queen and likes to be treated like a queen, she received a royal cat castle for her birthday. Boo loves crunchies (dry cat food) more than anyone so he got his very own touch activated crunchie (cat food) dispenser! It’s actually a touch activated candy dispenser that I bought at the Christmas Tree Shops a year or so ago to give to the cats for Christmas but they had so many other presents, I thought it would be better to save it for a future occasion. A fifth birthday is a great occasion for a wonderful present like that so that’s what Boo got!
In this video, you can see what happened when Boo received this present for his birthday. It captures all of the cats’ initial reactions to it as well as their initial interactions with each other around it. It’s really interesting to observe the cats and their relationships as well as how they go about figuring out how to get their food out of the dispenser. It really shows you how smart cats are and that they are capable of thinking and problem solving. I think Stella is the smartest cat in the world. 🙂
If you would like to buy your cat a touch activated cat food dispenser, you can find them on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/2OdxuKF
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