Boo Year 2 # 116 – Splash Is Getting Braver, How Did The Rug Move? Mother Son Stare Down

The cats had Sardine Stew for breakfast but nobody ate it which was strange because they usually love sardines. Hydrox ate his food. Splash was sleeping in a cat bed only a few feet away from where I was sitting. Stella was sleeping on the sofa near me. Splash moved to sleep on top of the sofa near Stella. I don’t know what happened to the runner rug that was on the patio but somehow it got moved over and twisted up. When I tried to move it, it was soaking wet and really heavy. Simba and Stella had a stare down. Hydrox ate his dinner. Splash tried to exert his dominance over Simba. Simba, Splash, and Boo all had play time near the Scratch and Rolls.


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