I’ve been mixing in a lot of water to the canned food that I’m feeding Hydrox so it becomes very soupy and easy for him to eat if he is having a problem with a tooth or teeth. He’s been coming closer to the back door. I’m giving him Healthy Gums by Pet Wellbeing and Heal All Tincture by Dr. Morse’s Cellular Botanicals. Hydrox let me get close enough to him that he could swat the spoon in my hand. The cats are still getting used to the Santa Hat Crinkle Sack. Boo has learned how to climb onto the back of the sofa cushions and it’s now one of his favorite places to lay, especially if Ii’m sitting on the sofa. Simba was acting like he didn’t feel well. I figured out that I can puree chunky cat food in a blender and Hydrox loves it.
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