Boo Year 2 # 48 – Cord Cutting, Brother Buddies, Stella In Hiding, A New Laser Toy

Boo Days 443 and 444 Boo got the bed and the bedroom to himself last night. I finally cut the cord and got rid of cable TV. Simba loves it when Splash licks his head. Splash and Simba are best buddies. The cats had treats instead of crunches. They have a new laser pointer toy. It was weigh in day for the cats. They haven’t been weighed in more than 2 weeks. Stella hid under the table when she saw the scale then she ran and hid under the chair downstairs. She didn’t want to be weighed because she gained some weight. Boo and Simba’s weight was basically the same. Hydrox was hanging out near the patio. Stella and Simba were relaxing on the bed. The cats had play time with the laser pointer.



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